How Do We Monitor Animals?

We use cutting edge and most advance technologies to collect precise and most accurate data at individual animal level


To keep the most suitable possible environment, temperature & humidity is continuously monitored. Fans and sprinklers are controlled by the system.
Food & Quantity

Installed artificial intelligent CCTV cameras monitor the food serving time and identify the food type. Laser based installed device at shed observes the food quantity ate by each animal.
Body Vitals

Temperature sensor & accelerometer installed in animal collar monitors the animal temperature and activity. Installed weight machines measure the animal weight multiple times a day.
Milk Quantity & Quality

At milking parlour installed RFID reader identify the cow; then precise milk quantity & fats are measured by the sensors and sent to the server.
Activity & Geofencing

CCTV cameras with artificial intelligence monitor the animals and other activities at farm. Animal activity monitoring help to identify the unusual habit. Geofencing can be added.

What You Get From Monitoring?

Our state of the art algorithms transforms data into meaningful information for the better and on time decision making. Using artificial intelligence system alerts and predicts about the factors before they occur.


Individual Animal Monitoring

Smart IoTs are capable enough to keep an eye on individual animal’s health, activity, geofencing and milk production. All the records are being sent and saved to the cloud and can be monitored from anywhere in the world.


Health Issues Predications

Intelligent system always keeps a closer look at the data of sensor fusion and generates an early alerts to the farmer for any health condition that may occur in near future.


Food Plan

System based on state of the art algorithms can identify the breed, animal activity and previous data, system will generate a food plan and also will provide the data how much the animal has eaten and how much time it took to eat.


Milk Quantity Predictions

The system predicts the milk production based on the health, activity, food environment and breed. It also informs the user with upward and downward trends of milk production early enough to prepare. Also, system will predict the no milk days of the individual animal.


Revenue Predictions

Smart system will calculate the overall production of milk, will predict the milk quantity in the future and will inform the user for the revenue to be generated in the following months.


Some Main Features of System

  • Shed Management
  • Health Issues Detection and Prediction
  • Heat Detection
  • Animals Identification Causing Loss
  • Animals With High Profit
  • Alerts About Expected Deliveries
  • Animals Activity Monitoring
  • Environmental Alerts
  • Reason Identification For Decrease in Milk Production
  • Profile and History of Each Animal
  • Inventory Management
  • Profit and Loss Report

Used Technologies

  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • IoTs
  • LoRaWAN
  • Zigbee
  • Micro-services Architecture
  • NodeJs & Nginx
  • Docker
  • RabbitMQ
  • Python, Javascript, C# & C++
  • Amazon Web Services

Check Out The Video

This video will show you some features which will help you to understand how our solution can be beneficial for your livestock farm.


Let's Discuss Benefits

You get pin point identification of reasons causing the decrease of production.

Our intelligent system helps you to cut the cost of your farming.

System helps to increase revenue to the highest possible value.

Contact Information

  • Don't hesitate to give us a call or send us a contact form message
  • Office No. 3, 1st Floor, Capital Technology Park, Park Road, Islamabad, PK
  • (+92) 51 8896050
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